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Teamwork Saves Money

Teamwork plays a huge role in saving money. The more you work together the more you can get accomplished. When you run out of time or energy to do things yourself then you usually end up spending more money to pay someone else to do it. This is why it’s so important to work together. No matter who it is. It could be with your spouse, kids, family members, friends, and/or roommates. Helping each other with daily tasks makes a big difference in being able to achieve them all, since all the little things you do add up. You really don’t have to do everything, be realistic with yourself. Don’t underestimate the small things, ignoring them or putting off everything else to get them done only makes your life more chaotic. Working together to be able to get them all done is the main goal and hopefully get them done with time left over to just enjoy each others company. Be thankful for small and large tasks getting done, every accomplishment is a win. Be grateful when everything works out because you will have days when nothing seems to work out. On these days it’s important to remember that, tomorrow is another day and if we work together with determination we can accomplish anything.

“If we work together with determination we can accomplish anything”

Keeping our lives running smoothly is definitely like a second job, whether you look at it that way or not. Keeping things organized, stocked, and clean is a difficult task when there are many areas in your home to keep track of. And the more living things you take care of the more there is to do, which is why it is so important to pitch in and work together whenever possible. Finding household items at a decent (affordable) price takes extra time as well. Bathroom/Personal care items, food/kitchen items, and laundry/cleaning supplies are the most important to keep a house running smoothly. Everyone needs some form of them or another.
Trying to keep up with everything gets overwhelming sometimes. Whenever possible share the tasks. Working together to manage cleaning, cooking, laundry, finances, shopping (-household, groceries, & gifts), taking care of loved ones, and anything else you might need help with. That really assists each one of us to keep things running as well as we can. This in turn saves our sanity and saves us money as well. You and your family are a team. Teamwork is necessary, because people are strong alone, but unstoppable together. Which is an inspirational quote by Nike.

“Strong alone, unstoppable together” -Nike.

It may not work to share all the responsibilities but perhaps you can get help with some of the items on the ‘to do’ list in order to be able to get everything done. Like maybe while you balance the budget/checkbook someone else makes supper. Or another example, while you do laundry perhaps someone else can do some of the cleaning. It doesn’t always have to be a trade off though. You could always cook together, fold laundry together, shop together, etc.. Doing some of these *chores* together can make them feel less like a chore and more like a task. And tackling more than one task at a time can make them go much quicker. This could even leave more time for other activities. And if there’s one thing most of us would like to have its definitely more time.
Teamwork isn’t always easy but neither is life. Teamwork however is rewarding because it brings people together. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and don’t feel guilty asking for help. Sometimes there are just to many things to do alone. Each person in your family* is part of your team and together you can do great things. Work together to save money, make each others lives easier, and make your lives more meaningful. *Friends are family.
It is hard for many people to ask for help, myself included. But my life changed once I realized that there was no reason I had to do every little thing, that added up, to keep our lives running smoothly. The key word in that sentence was “our lives” if you are doing things for other people chances are there is something they could do to help you out. When I finally told my spouse I needed them to help me with a lot more tasks I was soo overwhelmed the stress was causing me anxiety. I asked my spouse to do certain tasks that allowed me to take care of other things that needed to get done. Its amazing how many things we really have going on in our lives. It took us awhile to get into a new groove but now we are able to do a better job of keeping track of our lives together and I am way less stressed. It was the small things that all added together to create so much going on that I no longer had time for daily tasks -like cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Trying to manage bills, mail, work paperwork, house paperwork, daily/weekly finance monitoring, and grocery/household shopping took (and still takes) up so much of my time that I don’t have enough time in the day(s) or energy to be able to do it all. I have realized that I am not Superwoman. And yes that still makes me sad but we are a partnership, a team, and we should both be working together. When you love someone you will always feel guilty about not being able to do everything you’d like to for them [and yourself], you always kind of feel like maybe you could do more. I have come to realize that that is basically what love is. By working together to get things done it makes the accomplishment ‘ours’ as well. We often underestimate what our loved ones can do for us and that most of the time they want to help us out and spend time with us.

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