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Are The Best Things in Life Actually Free?

ahappymediumblog.wordpress.comThe best things in life are not free. The best things in life are however simple. We are lead to believe that the best things in life are free. This statement is false, it is a statement that forces people to assume that it all comes down to money being bad. This is where the problem lies. True money isn’t what makes you happy, it’s what you exchange your money for that will make you happy. You can be happy with only the basic needs but even those cost money.

It is true that having tons of money won’t automatically permanently make you happy. If you don’t have purpose and/or meaningful people connections in your life you will have a hard time being happy. Finding joy in the simple basics of life is what will put you on the right path to being happy.

The best thing in life is doing what you want ,when you want, with the people you want. Without money that is going to be really difficult. Now wither you like it or not that is what our world is run on, money. Having a healthy happy family is one of the most basic simple forms of having the best things in life. Healthy: is not a cheap or free thing to accomplish. Happy: doesn’t have to mean having the moon (ie. you don’t have to spend tons of money to be happy) but you do usually have to spend some money or have spent some in the past. Games, activities, and food all require money. No matter how small the amount it breaks down to, the fact is it isn’t free.

Why is it necessary to break the statement down, and focus on the actual words? Because it is necessary to realize that the best things in life are not free. In my opinion it is empty advice people give each other. I’ve always felt confused/sad/upset/guilty when people say it to me, like they were talking down to me or that it was my fault somehow I wasn’t where they were. If you really want to help someone you should give them better and actually helpful advice. We all need sympathy and help sometimes. When you have that blissful moment where you think “the best things in life are free” don’t discredit your hard work by thinking the best things in life are free, you worked hard achieving all the everyday little things that lead up to that wonderful situation. Remind yourself how lucky you are to have your hard work rewarded with those wonderful moments.

Do you wonder what are the ‘best things in life’ actually are? I can tell you it isn’t something super complicated or some overly expensive unachievable goal. It take the right choices and determination to achieve. By making time for the people and things you love, you will allow yourself to actually spend the time to enjoy the things your heart enjoys best. Make time for family, friends, hobbies, & your bucket list. 
The best things in life are simple.
Time spent with people you love.
Time spent with things you love.
Time spent doing things you love.
Time spent exploring the world’s wonders [around you].
Relaxing and being comfortable.
Reflecting on the best of times.

Mostly the best things in life are time and freedom. Time is limited and freedom isn’t free. Make the most of what you have. Do small things that make you happy as often as you can. In my journey to financial freedom I am constantly finding more and more that what I expected all along to be true is: money can buy happiness. You just have to be smart enough to put your money to good use and never put it above the people you love. The best things in life are simple. Appreciate all the hard work and money that allows you to enjoy the simple wonderful things in your life. 

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