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How to follow through on your new years resolutions.

Do you struggle to follow through and reach your new years resolutions? You need self control, determination, financial consideration, and DIY know how to reach your new years resolutions. 

[rez-uhloo-shuh n]  

the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc.

Help yourself to reach your resolutions this year. Do research and planning on your resolutions. What do you need to succeed? Find ways to set yourself up for success. Find the right fit, make the time, and commit to actually working towards your goal. Most people abandon their new years resolutions. A few of them might not have been that serious about their resolutions but most people want to achieve there resolution. They just didn’t have a solid plan to help them achieve their resolutions.

Set up resolutions you actually care to accomplish. Doing that will help get you in the right direction for achieving your resolution(s). If you actually want to accomplish the goal then you will have a much easier time finding the drive to work towards reaching it.

The best way to achieve a goal/resolution is to ‘over ‘prepare. In my experience this has been the key. Look at it from all the angles. Doing this will put you in the best position to achieve your resolution/goal.

1. What is the cost to reach the goal? Can you afford to reach your goal? If you don’t have the funds, then look into ideas for making more/extra money so you can reach the goal. Make sure you have a budget that includes all your expenses so you don’t get tripped up while actually working to reach your goal, by finances.

2. Do you have enough motivation and know how to accomplish the goal yourself? Do you need someone to help push you to achieve your goal? If so find someone that can help. Do you need to learn something to reach your goal? Can you learn it from someone you know or a free online video? If not consider taking a class or hiring someone to teach you. Factor these costs into your budget as well.

3. Is there something else you should be doing to reach your goal? Often times we only look at one side of things, when there may be other aspects for achieving the goal that should be considered. You may need to add more aspects surrounding your goal into the plans for achieving the resolution. Example: Your resolution is to loose weight. You consider doing so by going on a diet or by working out but if you did both you’d be more likely reach your goal faster AND you could definitely become healthier as well. 

Since many people make it a resolution to loose weight/get in shape let’s continue to examine some of the things you may need to do to make a plan to reach your goal. Below is an example of things you should consider and plan for for reaching your goal to loose wait.

Planning for your ‘Resolution to Loose Weight’
-find a gym you can afford/fits in your budget
-find a gym that has hours you are available
-find friends (or make friends at the gym) for company/support/drive 
-find friends/pros for insight and help along the way
-find a healthy food plan you can afford/fits in your budget/lifestyle
-find a healthy food plan you can stick too
-set up specific weekly times for going to the gym
-set up weekly time for grocery shopping/meal prep


I believe the two main factors for reaching a goal are time & money.
1. If you don’t have enough time then you have to consider ways to add more free time into your days so you can reach the goal. Finding more time might mean having to cut hours at work, hiring someone to do tasks for you, cutting other things out of your life, hiring a babysitter. Quite a few of those things will cost you money. If you make less money or add extra expenses into your budget, for your goal, will you still be able to afford to reach your goal? Making a plan and/or finding a way will help you reach your goal.

2. If you don’t have enough money then you have to consider ways to add more money into your life/budget. Earning more money usually means less free time. However you manage to add more money to your life you will have to manage earning that income stream and your goals. Essentially when it comes down to it you will most likely loose some of your free time. Make sure you still have enough time in your days to work towards reaching your goal.

Finding a balance between your time during the day(s) and your money will help you reach your goals. It will also help you from falling victim to work burnout, lack of funds, and goal hopelessness. You have to avoid falling victim to the life cycle that is “When you have time you don’t have any money and when you have money you don’t have any time.

“When you have time you don’t have any money and when you have money you don’t have anytime.”

Making a plan will help you prepare for both time and money issues. You can’t plan for everything that might come up but most minor and semi-minor problems can be prevented or navigated much easier by taking the time to look at all angles and make a solid plan before hand. This ‘over planning’ (step by step completely planned) method is my best tip for achieving your goals, resolutions, and planning big event/accomplishments that you have. It has worked really well for me over the years. I find if I do more work up front, then the follow through and execution is almost effortless because you just follow the plan you made and set into place.

Trust yourself, you know what is best for you. Achieve your new years resolution this year and start a new pattern in your life. A pattern were you actually reach the dreams you have for your life. You can do it!

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