About a Happy Medium

A blog about making the most of your finances. Balancing daily wants and needs with future goals and dreams. Finding a Happy Medium has 4 basic topic break downs for saving money. Saving cash, living with less (minimalism), self control (self discipline), and doing things yourself.

Contact Finding a Happy Medium Blog

about Megs from Finding a Happy Medium
Just a hard working adult, trying to find the balance between the frugal ways of people 100 years ago and today’s modern life styles. My goal is to find a balance between frugal, thrifty, minimalism, avoid mass consumerism, over spending, and an excess of instant gratification to live a comfortable smart life. Using a budget and trying to achieve a balance between living on nothing and blowing money like I’m going to dye tomorrow. Balance is generally what works best and gets me as close to a best of both worlds scenario as possible. Some days I feel very normal/average and other days I feel like I’m from another planet. (Not everyone has a purpose for every dollar.)

Start of the Journey
My journey started to take shape the day I realized what paying back my student loans actually meant. Of coarse, I always knew I was going to have to pay them back but what I didn’t initially realize was the extent of having to make an averaged sized payment each month, basically forever. It was crazy the length of years it was going to take me to pay off my loans if I only paid the required payment due each month. I’d be finally paying my student loans off when some of my friend’s kids where college age. This was a reality check for me, that was not a life I wanted to live. I started finding extra ways to save to get my loans paid off and I really got into budgeting and became even more interested in the ideas of being frugal.

I grew up in a big family with a fairly small budget so somethings are second nature to me when it comes to saving money. There are also things that I hated about a small budget, growing up. As an adult I had to find ways to do them that didn’t bother me as much or avoid doing them. -What works for one doesn’t always work for all. Which is why saving money is something we need to stick with and work at. There are always new ways to save and make your money work for you. Doing that will definitely help get you to the life you want.

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The Plan -Finding a Happy Medium Blog
My blog reflects my choice to pay off debts, save an emergency fund, live within my means, do more things myself, and handle life’s money emergencies by being as prepared as I can. The plan is to retire one day, early would be amazing but only time will tell. One step at a time. I know for sure that I want to trying to see and experience as much of the world as I can. Hopefully by managing my money I will get to experience it all.

img_6300A blog about saving money, living with less, finding self control, and DIY.

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