All Blog Posts · Saving Money · Self Control

How to follow through on your new years resolutions.

Do you struggle to follow through and reach your new years resolutions? You need self control, determination, financial consideration, and DIY know how to reach your new years resolutions.  resolution [rez-uh–loo-shuh n]   – the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc.

All Blog Posts · Living with Less · Saving Money

Are The Best Things in Life Actually Free?

The best things in life are not free. The best things in life are however simple. We are lead to believe that the best things in life are free. This statement is false, it is a statement that forces people to assume that it all comes down to money being bad. This is where the… Continue reading Are The Best Things in Life Actually Free?

All Blog Posts · Self Control

Self Control: Finances & Aspirations

Practice self awareness, be honest with yourself about your financial situation. •Stop pretending your rich when you are not. •Stop pretending you can afford to eat out every night and attend every activity. •Stop acting like your debt will work itself out. •Stop pretending your retirement is so many years away you don’t have to… Continue reading Self Control: Finances & Aspirations

All Blog Posts · Saving Money · Self Control

Set Your Life Up for Financial Success

My previous post talked about my obsession for being financially prepared. Saving money and making smart choices will help you to free up more of your money. When you make your budget based on your income, you should definitely consider the following money situations, below. They are things you may already have on your mind… Continue reading Set Your Life Up for Financial Success

All Blog Posts · Saving Money

Cheap Ways to Watch Movies

I absolutely love movies it is one of my favorite past times. It’s no surprise that most of our [small] entertainment budget goes towards movies. I have found a system that works for us it enables us to be able to see movies in theatres, stream them, and buy an occasional movie. It’s not overly tricky… Continue reading Cheap Ways to Watch Movies

All Blog Posts · Living with Less · Saving Money

Taking Care of Your Things Saves Money

How taking care of your things can save you money, even if you might have to spend a little money to do so.   Extended use Take care of your things. Taking good care of your things can help extend their life and keep them looking better longer.  The better care you take of your… Continue reading Taking Care of Your Things Saves Money

All Blog Posts · Saving Money · Self Control

Nothing Saves Money like being Anti Social.

Sometimes when trying to save money or not spend any extra money it leads us down the path of anti-social hermit status. While this is a great way to bring your spending costs down it may come at a cost that your not willing to pay. What I mean is hermits don’t usually have friends and… Continue reading Nothing Saves Money like being Anti Social.

All Blog Posts · Living with Less · Saving Money

15+ Free Phone Apps that make Life Easier 

15+ Free Phone Apps That Make My Life Easier The amount of life we give our phones is amazing. They are wonderfully useful devices that store a lot of important information. They are our computers, cameras, and phone all in one hand held device. We personalize them for easy, quick, convenient use in our daily… Continue reading 15+ Free Phone Apps that make Life Easier 

DIY - Do It Yourself · Living with Less · Saving Money · Self Control

Saving Money, Living with Less, Self Control, DIY. 

 Saving Money There are so many ways to save money and arguably all the other categories could fall under the saving money group, but I mean saving money by paying less. That could be by buying things online for a lower cost. Buying second hand items that cost less than new items. Buying things when… Continue reading Saving Money, Living with Less, Self Control, DIY.