All Blog Posts · Saving Money · Self Control

How to follow through on your new years resolutions.

Do you struggle to follow through and reach your new years resolutions? You need self control, determination, financial consideration, and DIY know how to reach your new years resolutions.  resolution [rez-uh–loo-shuh n]   – the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc.

All Blog Posts · Living with Less · Saving Money

Are The Best Things in Life Actually Free?

The best things in life are not free. The best things in life are however simple. We are lead to believe that the best things in life are free. This statement is false, it is a statement that forces people to assume that it all comes down to money being bad. This is where the… Continue reading Are The Best Things in Life Actually Free?

All Blog Posts · Living with Less · Saving Money

Living with Less: Too much or not enough?

Life is tough and so is managing expenses. Often times it feels like there isn’t enough money to go around. Never enough to pay off all debts, all monthly bills, pay for the vacations you want to go on, the house you want to buy, ext. The list can go on and on, there is… Continue reading Living with Less: Too much or not enough?

All Blog Posts · Saving Money · Self Control

Set Your Life Up for Financial Success

My previous post talked about my obsession for being financially prepared. Saving money and making smart choices will help you to free up more of your money. When you make your budget based on your income, you should definitely consider the following money situations, below. They are things you may already have on your mind… Continue reading Set Your Life Up for Financial Success

All Blog Posts · Saving Money

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

You would think a quote as easy to say and remember as “a penny saved is a penny earned” should be just as easy to understand. So many people today think that pennies and change are no longer relevant and wouldn’t mind or care if they were gotten rid of. I however do not agree.… Continue reading A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

All Blog Posts · Living with Less · Saving Money

Sell, Give, Recycle

When getting rid of your stuff always make sure you sell, giveaway, or recycle everything you possibly can. Being frugal and environmental can be beneficial to you and those around you. It can enable you to save money while being a good influence on the planet. So if you are downsizing, spring cleaning, moving, or just purging the… Continue reading Sell, Give, Recycle

All Blog Posts · Saving Money

Save Money On Gas

You might be wondering how you can save money on gas. If you have a car you’ve most likely thought to yourself at one time or another, that you’re going through gas quicker than you’d like. You look at the fuel gage and think, ugh it’s time to fill again? Below, I have outline 3 ways… Continue reading Save Money On Gas

All Blog Posts · Saving Money · Self Control

Steps to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Stop living paycheck to paycheck If you haven’t read my break down of living paycheck to paycheck I recommend you read that post first as this one ties into the things I talked about in that post and builds on it. **I am not a financial advisor, just a someone who has struggled with the… Continue reading Steps to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

All Blog Posts · DIY - Do It Yourself · Saving Money · Self Control

What is Thrifty?

Being Thrifty When people talk about saving money they often mention being thrifty, but what does that even mean? It is easy to confuse all the saving terms and ideas. I will try to break down what I believe being thrifty is in this post, give you some examples, and a few ideas for being thrifty.