All Blog Posts · Living with Less · Saving Money

Living with Less: Too much or not enough?

Life is tough and so is managing expenses. Often times it feels like there isn’t enough money to go around. Never enough to pay off all debts, all monthly bills, pay for the vacations you want to go on, the house you want to buy, ext. The list can go on and on, there is… Continue reading Living with Less: Too much or not enough?

All Blog Posts · Saving Money · Self Control

Set Your Life Up for Financial Success

My previous post talked about my obsession for being financially prepared. Saving money and making smart choices will help you to free up more of your money. When you make your budget based on your income, you should definitely consider the following money situations, below. They are things you may already have on your mind… Continue reading Set Your Life Up for Financial Success

All Blog Posts · Saving Money · Self Control

Steps to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Stop living paycheck to paycheck If you haven’t read my break down of living paycheck to paycheck I recommend you read that post first as this one ties into the things I talked about in that post and builds on it. **I am not a financial advisor, just a someone who has struggled with the… Continue reading Steps to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

All Blog Posts · DIY - Do It Yourself · Living with Less · Saving Money · Self Control

What is Paycheck to Paycheck Living?

What is paycheck to paycheck living? What does living paycheck to paycheck mean? This is a break down of living paycheck to paycheck and how to break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. -Break the cycle so that if your next paycheck doesn’t come you aren’t desperate for money, in the poor house, or out on the streets.   To… Continue reading What is Paycheck to Paycheck Living?

All Blog Posts · Living with Less · Saving Money · Self Control

Christmas on a Budget

Low spend Christmas’s. Our $200 Christmas Budget. Christmas spending in our families My family is a tad bit more cautious with their spending which makes Christmas at my house a little bit easier than Christmas at my spouses. Though there are pluses to every group. Currently there are less little kids in my family however we don’t… Continue reading Christmas on a Budget

All Blog Posts · Saving Money · Self Control

Nothing Saves Money like being Anti Social.

Sometimes when trying to save money or not spend any extra money it leads us down the path of anti-social hermit status. While this is a great way to bring your spending costs down it may come at a cost that your not willing to pay. What I mean is hermits don’t usually have friends and… Continue reading Nothing Saves Money like being Anti Social.

All Blog Posts · Saving Money

7 Practical Reasons to Save Money

Saving money is done for many reasons. Some people have to save and some people want to save, which is why the ideas for saving are so versatile. Below I have listed some of the reasons people save money. Hopefully, a few of them will give you a reason to save money because it’s a… Continue reading 7 Practical Reasons to Save Money