All Blog Posts · Saving Money · Self Control

How to follow through on your new years resolutions.

Do you struggle to follow through and reach your new years resolutions? You need self control, determination, financial consideration, and DIY know how to reach your new years resolutions.  resolution [rez-uh–loo-shuh n]   – the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc.

All Blog Posts · Living with Less · Saving Money

Sell, Give, Recycle

When getting rid of your stuff always make sure you sell, giveaway, or recycle everything you possibly can. Being frugal and environmental can be beneficial to you and those around you. It can enable you to save money while being a good influence on the planet. So if you are downsizing, spring cleaning, moving, or just purging the… Continue reading Sell, Give, Recycle

All Blog Posts · Saving Money

Teamwork Saves Money 

Teamwork plays a huge role in saving money. The more you work together the more you can get accomplished. When you run out of time or energy to do things yourself then you usually end up spending more money to pay someone else to do it. This is why it’s so important to work together.… Continue reading Teamwork Saves Money