All Blog Posts · Saving Money · Self Control

How to follow through on your new years resolutions.

Do you struggle to follow through and reach your new years resolutions? You need self control, determination, financial consideration, and DIY know how to reach your new years resolutions.  resolution [rez-uh–loo-shuh n]   – the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc.

All Blog Posts · Saving Money

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

You would think a quote as easy to say and remember as “a penny saved is a penny earned” should be just as easy to understand. So many people today think that pennies and change are no longer relevant and wouldn’t mind or care if they were gotten rid of. I however do not agree.… Continue reading A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

All Blog Posts · DIY - Do It Yourself · Living with Less · Saving Money · Self Control

What is Paycheck to Paycheck Living?

What is paycheck to paycheck living? What does living paycheck to paycheck mean? This is a break down of living paycheck to paycheck and how to break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. -Break the cycle so that if your next paycheck doesn’t come you aren’t desperate for money, in the poor house, or out on the streets.   To… Continue reading What is Paycheck to Paycheck Living?

All Blog Posts · DIY - Do It Yourself · Saving Money · Self Control

What is Thrifty?

Being Thrifty When people talk about saving money they often mention being thrifty, but what does that even mean? It is easy to confuse all the saving terms and ideas. I will try to break down what I believe being thrifty is in this post, give you some examples, and a few ideas for being thrifty.

All Blog Posts · Saving Money

Cheap Ways to Watch Movies

I absolutely love movies it is one of my favorite past times. It’s no surprise that most of our [small] entertainment budget goes towards movies. I have found a system that works for us it enables us to be able to see movies in theatres, stream them, and buy an occasional movie. It’s not overly tricky… Continue reading Cheap Ways to Watch Movies

All Blog Posts · DIY - Do It Yourself · Self Control

Set Goals

Goals for the new year. I was asked by a co-worker early-mid December what my new years resolutions were for 2017, if I had any. I gave him the honest answer, I wasn’t 100% positive because my focus was on finishing up my goals for 2016. My goals for 2016 were mostly financial and wouldn’t… Continue reading Set Goals

All Blog Posts · Living with Less · Saving Money

15+ Free Phone Apps that make Life Easier 

15+ Free Phone Apps That Make My Life Easier The amount of life we give our phones is amazing. They are wonderfully useful devices that store a lot of important information. They are our computers, cameras, and phone all in one hand held device. We personalize them for easy, quick, convenient use in our daily… Continue reading 15+ Free Phone Apps that make Life Easier 

All Blog Posts · Living with Less · Self Control

Questions to Ask When Downsizing 

What should you get rid of? I often wonder what I can/should get rid of and what I can keep while I’m trying to free up space. I say it that way because I am a slight hoarder. So I wrote down below the questions I ask myself when trying to simplify my home from stuff.… Continue reading Questions to Ask When Downsizing